FERCAM SPA was founded in 1949 in Bolzano, Italy, and today has:
- 1845 employees
- 17 WCAF member branches all over Europe
- Owner of 2.200 trucks
- Storage area 650.800 square meters
- Customs bonded warehouse 300.000 square meters
- VAT and Fiscal depots. VMI services
- 2010 Turnover 430 mio euro
- ISO 9001 since 1993;
- SQAS (Safety & Quality Assessment System)
- ISO 14001
- IATA member
The company strengths:
- A widespread domestic network
- A global chain of quick and reliable services
- The co-ordination of Land, Air and Ocean freight services
- The perfect integration between Logistics and Transport
- Tailor made services to meet the customer’s needs
The global range of Land, Air, Ocean, Intermodal and Logistic services are integrated with value added services. You can find further details on our Website:
http://www.fercam.comOur goal is to exceed our customer’s expectations by ensuring quality and excellence in every aspect of our business. We do this by providing complete logistics services, multi-modal transportation and customs brokerage for our customers.
By placing emphasis on employee satisfaction, we ensure our success in market leadership, shareholder value and most importantly, customer satisfaction.