Argentina Vanner Logistics (aka Vanner Logistics Argentina S.A.) (Buenos Aires, Head Office)
ID: 84542

Warning: Sending shipments to any Argentinean Port, whether it is a sea or air shipment without FIRST consulting with your Argentinean WCA member could lead you to paying heavy fines due to the very strict Importation Laws imposed by Argentinean Customs. Please always check with your WCA partner in Argentina and send all documents beforehand for them to check and confirm that all is in proper order. (This is a good practice for any Country to which you are exporting.)

WCA Gold Medallion Financial Protection Program
The following offices of this member are enrolled:
Argentina [Buenos Aires]
* Only these offices are covered and protected under this program.

Members should ensure that they are dealing with an office that is enrolled in a WCA network offices that are NOT enrolled are NOT protected under the Gold Medallion Financial Protection Plan

Argentina Vanner Logistics (aka Vanner Logistics Argentina S.A.) was started in March 2013 by three founding partners. Based on more than 40 years experience in the field, it is distinguished from other competing companies due to the customized and quality attention offered to its clients.

Among the products in its portfolio are: Freight Forwarding (Air, Sea and overland), Brokerage, Pick and Pack, Hand carries, Logistic and distribution, Domestics, Transits, Insurance, Envirotainer, Storage, Temperature Controlled Storage, Custom Bonded Trucking, Project Cargo.

Argentina Vanner Logistics (aka Vanner Logistics Argentina S.A.) is headquartered in the exclusive area of Puerto Madero in Buenos Aires, with offices at Ezeiza airport and at the port.

  Address Info:
Address: Rosario Vera Penaloza 450 8th floor,
Puerto Madero - Buenos Aires,
C1107CGJ - Argentina

Telephone: +54 11 5256 5555
Fax: (N/A)
Email: Members only - please Login.. to view information.
  Office Contacts:
Name:Mr. Jorge Barrios
Title President Members only - please Login to view information..
Name:Mr. Eduardo Pintos
Title Vice President Members only - please Login to view information..
Name:Miss Jazmin Nieva
Title Sales representative
+54 11 5256 5555 Members only - please Login to view information.. Members only - please Login to view information..
Name:Mr. Fernando Fuccillo
Title Seafreight Manager
+54 11 5256 5555 Members only - please Login to view information.. Members only - please Login to view information..