Smart Logistics SA (Buenos Aires, Head Office - Administrative support provided by SITAC SPA)
ID: 66729

Warning: Sending shipments to any Argentinean Port, whether it is a sea or air shipment without FIRST consulting with your Argentinean WCA member could lead you to paying heavy fines due to the very strict Importation Laws imposed by Argentinean Customs. Please always check with your WCA partner in Argentina and send all documents beforehand for them to check and confirm that all is in proper order. (This is a good practice for any Country to which you are exporting.)

WCA Gold Medallion Financial Protection Program
The following offices of this member are enrolled:
Argentina [Buenos Aires]
* Only these offices are covered and protected under this program.

Members should ensure that they are dealing with an office that is enrolled in a WCA network offices that are NOT enrolled are NOT protected under the Gold Medallion Financial Protection Plan

Smart Logistics SA is a freight forwarding & Logistics Company, based in Argentina, offering a full range of one stop service to customers around the world (Air & Ocean freight, customs clearance, insurance, outsourcing, etc.)

We focus on our customers needs, and have the knowledge, the expertise and the flexibility needed by our clients. We act local with international standards. Our solutions are built on expertise in freight management, a global network of agents and a consistently high level of personal service.

One of our specialties is Time Critical Services. We handle Spare parts for vessels calling Argentina as well as for AOG Planes. Other business that we know and we handle carefully is for Shows/Exhibitions taking place in our country. We are Customs Brokers, this means that we do not outsource this service but handle with our own staff, and this guarantees the quality of our services, when handling DDP and DDU shipments.


  Address Info:
Address: Avda Belgrano 367, Piso 10
(1092) Buenos Aires, Argentina

Telephone: +54 11 5272 5273/74/75
Fax: (N/A)
Emergency Call: Members only - please Login.. to view information.
Email: Members only - please Login.. to view information.
  Office Contacts:
Name:Mr. Alfredo Garcia Samartino
Title General Manager
+54 11 5272 5273/74/75 int 103 Members only - please Login to view information.. Members only - please Login to view information..
+54 911 5027 8271 Members only - please Login to view information..
Name:Ms. Flavia Falik
Title Commercial Manager
+54 11 5272 5273/74/75 Members only - please Login to view information.. Members only - please Login to view information..
+54 911 5663 2779 Members only - please Login to view information..