Atlantic Cargo SRL aka Transmodal Worldwide Logistics (Rosario, Head Office)
ID: 119729

Warning: Sending shipments to any Argentinean Port, whether it is a sea or air shipment without FIRST consulting with your Argentinean WCA member could lead you to paying heavy fines due to the very strict Importation Laws imposed by Argentinean Customs. Please always check with your WCA partner in Argentina and send all documents beforehand for them to check and confirm that all is in proper order. (This is a good practice for any Country to which you are exporting.)

WCA Gold Medallion Financial Protection Program
The following offices of this member are enrolled:
Argentina [Rosario]
Uruguay [Montevideo]
* Only these offices are covered and protected under this program.

Members should ensure that they are dealing with an office that is enrolled in a WCA network offices that are NOT enrolled are NOT protected under the Gold Medallion Financial Protection Plan

Atlantic Cargo SRL, (aka Transmodal Worldwide Logistics) founded in 1992, was the first international logistics provider of the Argentine coast. Since our establishment, we understand that supply chains are the backbone of international trade and therefore offer highly efficient logistics solutions for exporters and importers. In today's globalized environment, companies increasingly require more certainty about when and how your shipments arrive at the final destination.

Because of this, Atlantic Cargo select the best options for global supply chains, both in handling and shipping or international land transport in full containers (FCL) or consolidated cargo (LCL), and air transport. We combine our services with counseling, specialized information and logistical studies options tailored to the needs of each client.

To provide these services, we have a global network of associated companies worldwide and highly qualified professionals that allow us to coordinate shipments with the highest quality standards to or from anywhere in the world.

"To be the main trading partner in international logistics needs."

Develop and offer a personalized, orderly, reliable and professional experience logistics service. Focused on the needs of the client, identify their objectives and establish the action plans to achieve them, providing a single point of external coordination to strengthen a solid and lasting relationship over time.

Strengths and Differences
Our strengths are also our values and guide our daily actions: responsibility, effort, commitment, knowledge and over 25 years professional experience as forwarders and trainers of foreign trade professionals.

Our goals
Provide a single point of external coordination for the development of logistics and commercial activities required by your international operations. We constantly seek the satisfaction of our clients or outsourcer, thus securing a strong and lasting relationship with you.

  Address Info:
Address: JUJUY 1983, 1st Floor,
Offices 1, 2 & 3,
Rosario 2000, Rep. Argentina

Telephone: +549 341 4484040
Fax: (N/A)
Emergency Call: Members only - please Login.. to view information.
Email: Members only - please Login.. to view information.
  Office Contacts:
Name:Ms. Elsa Marinucci
Title Managing Director (WCA Contact)
+549 341 448 4040 Members only - please Login to view information.. Members only - please Login to view information..
+549 341 547 1356 Members only - please Login to view information..
Name:Mr. Bruno Mezzabotta
Title Financial department
+54 341 5282581 Members only - please Login to view information.. Members only - please Login to view information..
+54 9341 5818628 Members only - please Login to view information..
Name:Mr. Juan Angel Mezzabotta
Title Manager
+54 341 5282577 Members only - please Login to view information.. Members only - please Login to view information..